George Maplesden 2
- Marriage: Thomazine
- Died: 8 Jan 1590-1591, Rochester, Kent
Another name for George was Maplisden.
General Notes:
Listed twice?? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In the name of god amen The First day of October in the twoe and thirteth yeare of the reigne of our most gracious Soveraigne Ladye Quene Elizabeth ... I George Maplisden one of the Alderman of the Citty of Rochester in the county of Kent being of perfect remembrance thanks be to Almighty god doe make and ordayne this my testament and Last will in manner and forme following First and pncipally I bequeathe my sowle unto Almighty god the Father who created me to god the sonne who redeemed me to god the holye ghoste which sanctified me being assured to be saved by the mercye of god plentifully poured uppon me by the meritts and passion of our Savyour Christ by whome I trust that my sinnes be pardoned and that I shall rise againe at the Latter daye as my Savyour Jesus Christ is already risen and shall see god with my bodily eyes in whiche faithe I live and by gods grace I hope to dye Item my bodye to be buryed at the discrecion of my executors at whiche time I will and my minde is that some godly learned preacher by the appointment of my executors shall make a sermon and shall have paide him by my said executors tenne shillings for his paynes { Margin (Item I bequeath to the poor people of the said citie of Rochester xxxs)} Item I bequeathe to the poore people of Maydestone in the saide county of Kent twenty shillings Item I bequeathe to the poore people of Mardon in the saide county of Kent twenty shillings Item I bequeathe to the poore people of the parrishe of St.Margaretts neere the said cittye of Rochester tenn shillings Item I bequeathe to the poore people of the parrishe of Frynsburye tenne shillings Item I bequeathe to the poore people of the parrishe of Stroode within the saide county of Kent tenne shillings Item I bequeathe to the poore people of Woldham in the saide county tenne shillings Item I bequeathe to the poore people of Chatham in the saide county tenne shillings
Item I will that Thomazine my wellbeloved wyfe shall have the use and occupation of the house wherein I nowe dwell for and during the number of yeares I have in the same, and also of all the implements there unto fixed as glasse and waynscott yf she so Longe Lyve, But and if she fortune to dye before the said terme be ended Then I will my said house with all the said implements to Henry my sonne
Item I will and bequeathe to my nephew Peter Maplisden the Lease that I have of the Barne and orchard without the East gate of the said citty of Rochester he yearely delivering to Thomazine my saide wyfe the one halfe of all the apples and peares that shall happen to growe in the saide Orchard during the said terme if my said wyfe shall fortune so Longe to dwell in the said cittye of Rochester
Item I give and bequeathe to my nephew John Fisher my greate graye stoned horsecolte Item I give and bequeathe unto Katherine mine eldest daughter the somme of twoe hundred markes to be paide unto her when she shall come to and be of the age of one and twenty yeares or at the daye of her mariage whiche of them shall first happen Item I give and bequeathe unto Lydia my second and youngest daughter the somme of twoe hundred markes to be paide in Lyke sorte to her when she shall come to and be of the age of one and twenty yeares or at the daye of her mariage whiche of them shall first happen Provided allwayes and I will that yf any of my saide daughters shall fortune to dye or departe oute of this lyfe before she shall attayne to the saide age of one and twenty yeares or before she shall fortune to be maryed That then her sister her surviving shall have one hundred markes parcell of the saide twoe hundred markes by me willed to be paid to her so dying to be paide unto her at the said age of one and twenty yeares or at the daye of her maridge as the other twoe hundred markes by me to her willed should be paide And the other hundred markes to be paid to my said sonnes Henry and Peter at their severall ages of one and twenty yeares by equall porcons or to the survivor of them But and if it shall fortune bothe my said daughters to dye before they shall fortune to be maryed or to attayne to theire said of one and twenty yeares (which god forbidd) Then I will and my full minde and intent is that the said somme of Four hundred markes to them to have bene paide as aforesaid shalbe paid unto my twoe sonnes Henry and Peter at their severall ages of one and twenty yeares equally to be devided or to the survivor of them yf any one of them shall fortune to dye before he shall accomplishe the saide age of one and twenty yeares All whiche severall sommes I hope my executors of this my present will and testament will seemstly ? and truly paid according to the firme intent and meaning of this my Last will and testament and according to the trust and confidence by me in them reposed And as I hope my twoe daughters wilbe allwayes dutifull and obedient to theire mother whoe hathe allwayes very naturall to them and carefull over them So I specially charge them as they shall think well of these my Legacies to them given and be mindefull of the same considering that they had a Father that tendered theire well doing that they doe not contracte matrimonye with any person or persons without the comfort and good lykinge of theire said mother, and of my executors to this my Last will and testament and the overseers of the same or the more or greatest number of them then Liveing
Item I bequeath unto my sister Katherine Fisher of Detling w(i)thin the saide County of Kent widowe one peece of gold of thirty shillings Item I bequeathe unto Thomazine Eppes her daughter one peece of gold of thirty shillings Item I bequeathe unto Katherine Fisher one other of her daughters tenne pounds of Lawful money to be paide unto her at her age of twenty and one yeares or at the daye of her maridge Item I bequeathe unto Marye Fissher one other of her daughters tenne pounds of Lawful money to be paide in Lyke sorte unto her at her age of one and twenty yeares or at the daye of her maridge Item I bequeathe Meretiall Woode and Endure Woode children of Elizabeth Woode one other of the daughters of the saide Katherine my sister nowe deceased tenne pounds apeece of Lawful money to be paide to either of them at theire severall age of twenty and one yeares or at their severall dayes of mariage which of them shall first happen And my Will is that if either of them shall fortune to dye before theire saide age of one and twenty yeares or daye of mariage That then the survivor shall have her parte so dying to be paide at suche time as the tenne pounds by me to her given shalbe paide
Item I bequeathe to my sister Goldsmithes children nowe living Five pounds apeece to be paide to either of them at theire severall ages of twenty and one yeares or at their severall dayes of mariage And if any one of them of them shall fortune to dye before theire saide daye of mariage or age of one and twenty yeares That then the survivor shall have her saide parte to be paide when the other Five pounds by me to her given shalbe paide Item I bequeathe to my sister Dorothy Gosling thirty shilling and to every of her children whiche shall fortune to be living at time of death forty shillings apeece to be paid unto them at theire severall age of twenty and one yeares or severall dayes of theire mariage which of them shall first happen Item I bequeathe unto my cozen John Maplisden Batchelor in Divinity my greate graye mare and her youngest colte Item I bequeathe to my cozen Edward Maplisden of Maidston my best gelding whiche I use to ride on with all the furniture to him belonging and also my corslett of caliver proofe with all the furniture to the same belonging and my horsemans staffe Item I bequeathe unto my cozen Thomas Gaye tenne shillings Item I bequeathe unto Edward Maplisden of Marden aforesaide the elder clothyer tenne shillings Item I bequeathe unto Robert Maplisden my cosen George Maplisdens sonne of Maydestone tenne shillings Item I bequeathe to John Colsone of Reynham within the said county of Kent tenne shillings Item I beqeathe to William Woodyer of Cooling my second gown Item I bequeathe to every of his children one lambe apeece Item I will and bequeathe unto my said sonne Henry all that my terme and interest for years whiche I have in certain Lands in Marden aforesaid and to me made by the dean and chapter of Christ and the blessed virgin Mary in Rochester aforesaid
And of this my Last will and testament I doe make and ordayne my trusty and welbeloved nephewe Peter Maplisden of Rochester and my trusty and welbeloved cosen Edward Maplisden of Maydestone my sole executors willing and ordayning that they shall allowe them selves oute of my goods and chattells or proffitts of my Landes by them to be received all suche som(m)e or som(m)es of money as they shall in any wise dysburse and Laye oute aboute the Probate of this my Last will and testament or aboute theire travayling or doing of any thing touching or concerning the same or the trust by me reposed in performing thereof, earnestly desyring of them that they will see my debts honestly discharged and paide and that as ever any of the Legacies before by me willed be delivered
And Furthermore I doe ordayne and appointe my trusty and Loving frend Mr John Covell of Maydestone my cosen George Maplisden of Maydeston Edmond Rott of Stenting and my cosen John Eppes of Detling to be my overseers of this my Last will and testament unto whom in consideracon of theire paynes and for the good will I bare them I give to the saide John Covell my pybalde colte To my cosen George Masplisden my best gowne To Edmond Rott my corslett of pyball proote with the furniture to yt belonging And to my cosen John Eppes my twoe yearing mare stagge of my greate graye mare desyring them that they will in all good causes assiste my said executors and see this my will to be performed and my children well governed as so christians apperteyneth And Further will if it shall happen at any time hereafter that my saide overseers or any one of them have instance to call my saide Executors or theire assignes and any other person or persons that at any time hereafter shall clayme to have any intermedling with this my Last will and testament That then my saide executors by from or under my saide executors into any course for or concerning the same my present Last will and testament That then my said executors or theire executors or assigns shall paye and allowe to my saide overseers and every of them suche theire reasonable costs and charges as they in that behalf shall have disbursed and susteyned
The Residue of all my goods and chattells of what nature or kynde soever they be my plate Jewells debts and ready money mine owne debts being paide and Legacies and Funerall discharged I wholly give to Thomazine my welbeloved wyfe
This the last will of me the saide George Maplisden made and declared the daye and yeare above written touching and concerning the willing and disposing of all my Landes tenements and hereditaments sett Lying and being in the parrishes of Marden Dymchurch and Burmarsh in the saide county of Kent First I will tha Thomazine my welbeloved wyfe shall have receive and take in Love and satisfation of her dower a Rent charge of thirty and seaven poundes of Lawfull money of England by the yeare going owte of all my Landes tenements and hereditaments and to be taken in manner and forme following that is to saye seaventene poundes yearely parcell thereof to gyve and goe owte of my Mansion howse called Silden sett lying and being in the said parrishe of Marden And owte of all my Landes tenements and hereditaments with the same demised and Letten and nowe in the tenure and occupying of William Snottey
And the other twenty poundes residue of the said som(m)e of thirty seaven poundes to goe owte of all my saide Landes tenements or hereditaments in the said parrishes of Dymchurch and Burm(a)rshe to be paid unto her yearely during her naturall lyfe at the Feasts of the Annunciacion of the blessed virgin Marye, the Feast of St John the Baptist, The Feast of St Michaell the Archangel and the Feast of the Birthe of our Savyour by even and equall porcions to be payde the First payment thereof to beguine at that of the saide Feasts whiche first shall happen after my decease And I Further will that if defaulte of payment be made of the said rent of thirty and seaven pounds or any parte thereof That then and so often it shall and maye be lawfull for my saide wyfe to enter and distreyne in that parte of the saide Landes tenements and hereditaments by this my present will charged or chargeable with the payment of the said som(m)e or som(m)es of money so behinde and not paid to my said wyfe Item I further will and bequeathe that there shalbe paide yearely owte of the proffitts of my Landes by him or them that shall have the receiving of the same to every of my children already borne or hereafter to be borne for theire educac(i)on and bringing upp the Som(m)e of six pounds thirteen shillings and four pence apeece unto the times hereafter expressed that is to saye To every of my saide daughters untill the severall times afore expressed for the receipte of theire Legacies And to every of my sonnes untill the times as they shall severally come to theire ages of one and twenty yeares as and as every or any of saide children shall com(m)e to his her or theire saide age or time so his her or their said porc(i)on of six pounds thirtene shillings and foure pence shall cease end and no Longer be paid And Forasmuche as the severall porc(i)ons by me given in my Last will and testament to my said daughters shall remaine and be in the handes and custody of my saide Executors untill the severall ages of one and twenty yeares or dayes of mariage of my saide daughters I will and my minde is {as my trust is in my saide executors } that my said executors shall yearely paye over and above the saide severall som(m)es of six poundes thirtene shillings and foure pence by them to be received owte of the proffitts of my said Landes towards the bringing upp of my saide sonnes for either of them the som(m)e of six poundes thirtene shillings and foure pence so that my intent and meaning is that there shalbe paide by my saide executors the som(m)e of six poundes thirtene shillings and foure pence yearely towards the bringing upp of my saide sonnes of the whiche I hope my saide executors by theire good husbandry with a good conscience will raise the som(m)e of twenty marks yearely owte of the porccons by me bequeathed to my said daughters
Item I doe desire will and give to my sonne Henry all that my saide Mansion howse called Tilden withall the Landes tenements and hereditaments thereunto belonging sett lying and being in the said parrishe of Marden in the tenure and occupying of the said Will(ia)m Snotte, and also all that my tenement and Landes whiche I have Late purchased of Mr Richard Tilden sett lying and being in the said parrishe of Marden in the tenure and occupying of the said Will(ia)m Snott To have and to holed all and singuler the premisses with the appurten(a)nces to hym the saide Henry my sonne and to the heires of his bodye Lawfully begotten and for default of suche yssue the Remainder thereof to Peter my sonne and to the heires of his bodye Lawfully begotten And for default of suche yssue the Remainder thereof to my saide twoe daughters Katherine and Lydia and to the heires of theire bodyes Lawfully begotten And for default of suche yssue The Remainder thereof to my nephewe Peter Maplisden and to the heires male of his bodye Lawfully begotten And for default of suche yssue The Remainder thereof to my cozens John Maplisden Edward Maplisden and Richard Maplisden the sonnes of my uncle Jervis Maplisden deceased and to theires males of theire bodyes Lawfully begotten And for Want of suche yssue The Remainder thereof to the Right heires of me the saide George Maplisden for ever
Item I further will give and devise to my saide sonne Peter all those my Landes tenements and hereditaments setrt lying and being in the said parrish of Burmarshe and Dymchurch togethers with my tenement and Land sett Lying and being at Haydest greene w(i)thin the said parrishe of Marden and the Landes therewithall demised and nowe in the tenure and occupying of Myles [ space ] of the whiche the saide tenements and parte of the said Landes I had by my Father and the residue I purchased severally of one Walker and one Robert Tilden To have and to holde all and singuler the premisses in with theire appurten(a)nces to him the said Peter sonne and to the heires of his bodye Lawfully begotten and for wante of suche yssue the Remainder thereof to Henry my sonne and to the heires of his bodye Lawfully begotten And for wante of suche yssue the Remainder thereof to my saide twoe daughters Katherine and Lydia and to the heires of theire bodyes Lawfully begotten And for wante of suche yssue The Remainder thereof to my said nephewe Peter Maplisden and to the heires males of his bodye Lawfully begotten And for wante of suche yssue The Remainder thereof to my cozens John Maplisden Edward Maplisden and Richard Maplisden the sonnes of my uncle Jervis Maplisden deceased and to the heires males of theire bodyes Lawfully begotten And for Wante of suche yssue The Remainder thereof to the Right heires of me the saide George Maplisden for ever
Item I will that if my saide wyfe shall fortune to be with child at the time of my decease of a man child That the said child shall have one moity of all those Landes tenements and hereditaments by me willed to my sonne Peter To have and to holed to yt and to the heires of the bodye of yt Lawfully begotten And for wante of suche issue the Remainder over of suche estate and in suche manner as it should have remained if that my said wyfe had not bore with child And if it be a woman child yf to be it the curtesye and good will of my saide wyfe Item I will that my said wyfe shall have the ordering educating and bringing upp of my saide children, for their better trayning upp in the feare of god in vertue and Learning untill they shall severally attayne and come to theire ages of one and twenty yeares But of suche of my daughters as shall marrye before that time untill the time of theire suche mariage if my wyfe shall so Longe live unmaryed otherwise they to be at the order educac(i)on and bringing upp of my executors or theire assigns until theire severall ages But of my daughters untill theire saide ages or mariages
Item I Further Will that my executors and theire assigns shall have the devising and setting to Ferme of all and singuler my said Lands tenements and hereditaments and also of my Leases Lands in Marden with theire appurtenances to the best price that they canne And thereoif shall receive all the Rents proffitts and Revenues during the said severall ages of one and twenty yeares of my said sonnes And if my said sonnes dye before theire saide ages Then during the severall ages of one and twenty yeares of my said daughters , and therewith to paye my wyfe her said yearely Rent charge and the porc(i)ons for the educac(i)on of my saide children and and of my debts and Legacies if my goods shall not suffice And Finally my Will intent and meaning is that my saide executors shall of the saide receiptes of the proffitts of my saide Landes and Lease yyealed upp to my saide sonnes a faithfull iust and true accompte to every of them of his parte as he shall attayne unto and be of the full age of one and twenty yeares And to every of my saide daughters if my saide sonnes shall fortune to dye or ever they shall come to the saide age or ages of one and twenty yeares at suche time as my saide daughters shall come to and be of theire severall ages of one and twenty yeares or shall severally fortune to be maryed in whiche said Accompte my intent and meaning is that my said executors and their assigns shalbe allowed all suche som(m)e and som(m)es of money as they or any one of them shall in anywise have Layde owte or disbursed abowte any matter touching or concerning this my present Last will and testament or any my Lands tenements or hereditaments In Wittnesse whereof I the said Joh George Maplisden have published this to be my Last will and testament in the presence of these Wittnesses John Cawell, John Eppes Edward Maplisden Richard Fidge Richard Atwoode Edward Gonsty
Probatum fuit testamentum supra scriptum apud London coram Ven(er)abili viro iuro Will(ia)mo Lewyn Legium Doctore ad exercend atticimus Mag(ist)ri Custodis sine Com(m)issarii Curie Prerogative Cant L(egi)time deputat vicesimo octavo die mensis Januarii Anno D(omi)ni iuxta cursim of computac(i)o(n)em eccl(esi)e Anglicane Mill(es)imo Quingentesimo Nonagesimo Juramento Thome Warde notary publici procur(ator)is Petri Maplisden et Edwardi Maplisden executor in huioi testamento nominat Quibus com(m)issa fuit administrac(i)o etes Ade bene et fideli administrandi etes Ad sancta dei Evangelia Jurat
Written 1st October 1590 Proved in the PCC 8th January 1590/1 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- According to the above, it looks as if his full name might have been John George Maplesden
George married Thomazine. (Thomazine died after 1593.)