What's New
This section of the site is to inform the readers of
major updates.
The site is continually being added to and edited to reflect the
information that you the readers and researchers have emailed.

December 1 2011
This is the 10th anniversary of this website. Looking forward to many
more years.
October 14 2011
Replaced the Stom
Family Bible images with the original scans. The old ones were
reduced in size because most people still used dial up modems when this
website was created in December 2001. The new ones are much bigger and
easier to read, but many take
longer to load.
March 7 2011
Completed additions to Christines
Family Documents and Census Images
February 7 2011
Added a page for the Cemetery
Records and Tombstone Pictures and consolidated the links for the
cemeteries on the page.
Also adding to Christines
Family Documents and Census Images . This is a work in progress due
to the amount of information and images.
July 6 2010
Added a page to the Stom
Documents and Census section called Leonard
Stom Land Claim Documents
Added a page to the Documents
and Census Images section called Revolutionary
War Records
it is still under construction but is started.
Added a page to the Family
Tree Pictures section under the Robert
Christopher Stoms Family Pictures entitled
William K.Helm
Dedication Page it is a page dedicated to my uncle who was a
professional wrestler.
July 4 2010
Updated the entire database section,
7469 individuals with all notes and sources.
Added a page to the Stom
Documents and Census section for the Leonard
Stom's inventory appraisal
Preparing to add more content web pages.
February 7 2007
Preparing for a major update to the site.
Will be uploading all the information and corrections supplied by the
March 4 2006
Added The
Plight of the Paradise Cemeteries section to the site.
October 8 2005
As you might have noticed we have a new domain. Crosswinds did a
job of transferring and redirecting our site.
The new servers are much faster. We hope you will find this an
to the site.
February 8 2004
Crosswinds.net had a major loss of data due to failed
We lost the entire site.
Oh well, it was over due for a update anyway. So I uploaded the entire
site (Over 5000 pages) with the updated material.
Due to this website, my Aunt Ann found us and sent pictures Robert
Christopher Stoms Family Pictures .
A huge hug and thanks to my Aunt.
November 21 2003
Added the page Dorann
Lam's Family pictures It has a wonder picture of the William
Smith family. Thanks Dorann!
November 3 2003
Added the page Roberts
Family Pictures
June 13 2003
Added the page Michael
and Kelly Stum Family Pictures and Documents
June 8 2003
Updated the entire tree. Site now
includes 4859 individuals and 1129
unique surnames
May 21 2003
Reduced the size of the some of images on the Documents
and Census Images to make viewing on easier.
May 16 2003
Added two pictures to the Paradise
Kentucky Historic Pictures both came from Dorann Lam. One is a
of the old Stom house in Paradise. The other is a 1906 picture of the
and faculty of the Paradise school. (Thanks Dorann)
May 11 2003
Added Goodall
and Census page to the Documents
and Census Images
Added Marriage bonds to the Helm
Birth, Marriage and Death Documents and Certificates
Added Marriage Bonds and records the Westerfield
Birth, Marriage and Death Documents and Certificates
Added more pictures the Paradise
Kentucky Historic Pictures mainly from Airdrie. Thanks Bill.
May 10 2003
Added pictures to the Paradise
Kentucky Historic Pictures sent by Bill Hicks. Thanks Bill.
Started a "What's New" page and linked it to the main page.
May 9 2003
Added Little
Cemetery Spencer County, Indiana page to the Christines
Family Tombstone Pictures
Added links to new pages on the Documents
and Census Images page. These are Birth and Marriage and Death